Drone First Response

In the fast-changing world of homeland security, quick response is essential to control and maintain order. With Heven‘s quick to launch systems, we have enabled HLS providers to have a near-immediate ability to assess a variety of situations. The drones serve as a partner in the sky and provide a robotic first response capability for current providers. With their heavy-lift capabilities, our drones integrate with a variety of actionable systems depending on the provider’s needs and coverage.

Pollination & Pesticide Application

Artificial pollination is an essential part of palm farming and date cultivation. Given the significant height and size of palm trees and farms, drones are in a good position to replace this labor intensive task, which often requires farm workers to climb ladders or use forklifts. Drones offer a solution that is faster, cheaper and more efficient.

Pesticide Application
Drones are well suited to replace the complicated application of pesticides and fertilizers in small and medium-sized farms, tasks which are currently undertaken by manned aircraft or small cars. Together with AI and powerful management software, drones can automatically spray the exact amount the plant needs.

Medical Deliveries

Healthcare is a major consumer of complex logistics services. Biological specimens, blood products, medication, and medical devices are transported daily between specialized manufacturing facilities, warehouses and medical centers and labs. These deliveries are often critical, requiring highly accurate route planning, scheduling, and temperature control. In many cases, the medical product is lightweight, yet highly sensitive. Drones are well positioned to enhance the healthcare supply chain by delivering life saving products faster and cheaper wherever they are needed.

Mapping & Surveying

The surveying and mapping of features such as construction sites, forests, and roads used to be a labor intensive and time consuming operation. By providing a cost-effective solution to companies that deal with construction and infrastructure projects, drones are well positioned to replace traditional mapping and surveying methods.  


Until recently, the inspection of assets such as wind turbines, cellular towers and power lines necessitated the use of dangerous methods, placing inspectors’ lives as risk. Drones offer a safer, cheaper, and faster way to inspect assets. Equipped with LIDAR, photogrammetry, thermal, or other cameras and sensors, drones can undertake a variety of inspection missions, creating significant value and eliminating risk.

Military Logistics

Wars are won and lost due to logistical challenges. All military operations require significant challenging logistic capabilities in order to supply ground soldiers with food, ammunition and medical equipment. Drones are capable of completing tasks that reduce supply times and costs while saving lives and contributing to the success of military operations.