
Heven Drones – Deep-Tech Autonomous Systems Showcase

Heven develops the hardware and software for the next generation […]

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Drone Deliveries in Israel!

Video in Hebrew

Meet the new generation of deliveries: package delivery straight to your home.

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Pizza Delivery via Cando (other drones in the video as well)

Video in Hebrew

Where can you get a drone pizza delivery? How can drones assist with agriculture, transportation, communications, and security?

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Israel Launches 2-Year Pilot, Preparing the Sky for Network of Delivery Drones

Demonstrating the ability to fly multiple drones in a single airspace, Israel hopes to become a playground for local and foreign startups to test technologies and set up rules.

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Watch the Experiment: Dozens of Delivery Drones in the Skies of Hadera

Video in Hebrew

The governmental NAAMA Initiative flew tens of drones from different companies that were overseen by a remote control center.

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USOG Multi Package Delivery System

USOG Multi Package Delivery System, featuring Heven Drones.

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